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A group of four framed photographs of what appears to be a western survey group or or some type of expedition.  All photos appear to be of same event with people, pack animals and horses (mules) appearing in multiple photos.

Per attached label on each they were framed by George F. Of at 3 East 28th Street, New York, founded 1873 (later moved to 274 Madison Ave.),

By label there is also a penciled name on each, appears to be "Borden, Bauden" or similar, but unsure.

Side note:  Found NY Times article where George F. Of's Bronx home (892 Prospect Ave.) was robbed in 1901.

Frames measure roughly 8 1/2 x 21 inches and photos appear to be approximately 6 3/4 20 inches.

Overall condition of frames and photos seems to be ok with some age wear and tear and condition issues due to past storage choices.  No attempts have been made to remove from frames, extent of photos and full condition is unknown.

Photos have a "goldish, yellow" tone to them.  

Photo 1:   Camp scene, man at fire pit, horses tied to trees and shrubs, Butchered deer hanging from frame placed in trees.

Photo 2:  Moving trail scene, Men on horses, pack animals loaded.  (shadow of hat of photographer is lower right?).

Photo 3:  Two horses (mules) loaded and ready to ride.

Photo 4:  Trading post or outpost, horses, pack animals tied up with men attending to them and loading them.  Rope on ground.  (Shadow of photographer in lower right?)   (Frame removed and photo damaged)

Four Western Expedition or Survey Group Pics

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